I’m bad at remembering dates. Whenever the question comes up “did that guy knew the works of that other guy”, I had to pass. That’s why I decided to create a visualization of lifetimes. So over the last couple of months, I collected a list of names that in some way or the other relate to my research field. The list contains their name, profession (according to Wikipedia), date of birth and death and the link to the Wikipedia entry.

In the NAME search field below, one or several comma-separated names or name fragments can be entered to filter the list. This also works for the PROFESSION field. Once the epoques are loaded, the option pull down allows to zoom on single epoques. After a click on the color bar of one person, LOAD WIKI opens the corresponding page in the frame below. At the cursor position, a list of contemporaries with their respective age is shown.

The project can be found here: http://mathiasbernhard.ch/genealogy/